Small Price Differences Can Make Options Seem More Similar, Easing Our Buying Decisions
Some retailers, such as Apple’s iTunes, are known for using uniform pricing in an effort to simplify consumers’ choices and perhaps increase their tendency to make impulse purchases. But other stores, like supermarkets, often have
Psychology of Compromise: Why Congress Fails
LiveScience: Hyenas do it. Elephants do it. But apparently congressional representatives do not. “It” would be cooperation, which has been little-seen in Washington during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Despite a deadline they themselves set with
Racial Essentialism Reduces Creative Thinking By Making People More Closed-Minded
New research suggests that racial stereotypes and creativity have more in common than we might think. In an article published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, researcher Carmit Tadmor of
To regift or not to regift: Is it ever OK?
TODAY: OK, I’ve done it. And quite frankly, I always feel guilty about regifting. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the present. But sometimes you get something that you really don’t like or can’t use
Let’s Make a Deal: The Psychological Science Underlying Compromise and Negotiation
Tense negotiations in Congress over the “fiscal cliff” have focused public attention on the art of compromise — or lack thereof. From deciding who washes the dishes to figuring out how to avoid the fiscal
Warum Kinder zu gehen beginnen (How do you learn to walk?)
ORF Austria: Warum stehen Kleinkinder eigentlich auf, wenn sie die Welt auch krabbelnd gut erkunden können? Weil sie beim Gehen schneller vorankommen, berichten US-Forscherinnen – eine nur scheinbar banale Erkenntnis. In der bisher umfangreichsten Studie