Osservare le regole? Può creare frustrazione (Observing the rules can create frustration)
La Stampa: La frustrazione non si scatena esclusivamente quando una persona non riesce a centrare un obiettivo produttivo o ad appagare un bisogno positivo. Se l’essere umano non coglie al volo la possibilità di violare
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. Sleep Consolidation of Interfering Auditory Memories in Starlings Timothy P. Brawn, Howard C. Nusbaum, and Daniel Margoliash In this study, the authors examined the effect of sleep
Research Explores Links Between Physical and Emotional Pain Relief
Though we all desire relief — from stress, work, or pain — little is known about the specific emotions underlying relief. New research from the Association for Psychological Science explores the psychological mechanisms associated with
What Is The Effect Of Asking Americans To Think About The Greater Good?
NPR: Okay. So is it a problem that the president is saying those two things at once? It might be, Steve, because we actually have many examples of what happens when politicians make appeals to
A New Look at Perception (Thank You, El Greco)
The Huffington Post: El Greco was one of the greatest artists of the Spanish Renaissance, and also one of its most idiosyncratic. His contemporaries were puzzled by his fantastic use of color, and even more
Bullies’ accomplices suffer similar levels of distress as victims, finds study
The Vancouver Sun: It’s been more than 10 years since the bullying began, but there are days when Ishani Nath’s memories still feel fresh: the shame, the disconnection, the loss of control. But unlike so