Seeing Happiness in Ambiguous Facial Expressions Reduces Aggressive Behavior
Encouraging young people at high-risk of delinquency to see happiness rather than anger in facial expressions appears to dampen their levels of anger and aggression
Girls May Leave Science Because They’re So Good At Everything Else
BuzzFeed: The argument that women are underrepresented in math and science careers because they’re just not as good at math refuses to die, but a new study proposes an alternate explanation: women may be leaving
Math Careers Just Don’t Add Up For Women
LiveScience: Having skills suited for a variety of careers helps explain why few women pursue math and science jobs, new research finds. A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of
Brief Mindfulness Training May Boost Test Scores, Working Memory
College students who underwent mindfulness training showed improved working memory and verbal reasoning scores.
Do Superior Abilities Keep Women Out of STEM?
Science: Researchers seeking to explain why women are less likely than men to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers long focused on females’ purported inferior mathematical prowess. But new research suggests a very
Des distractions pour aider la mémoire des seniors (Distraction Can Reduce Age-Related Forgetting)
Le Figaro: La mémoire est de moins en moins fiable avec l’âge, même s’il existe de grandes variations entre les individus. Autre inconvénient, peut-être moins connu, le fait que l’on se laisse plus facilement distraire