Weight Gain Linked With Personality Trait Changes
People who gain weight are more likely to give in to temptations but also are more thoughtful about their actions, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for
Super-Smart Kids Become Super-Successful Adults
Students with profound mathematical and verbal reasoning skills at age 13 garner more awards, gather more grant money, have more patents, write more prolifically, are more likely to graduate with doctoral degrees, and are more
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. The Curse of Planning: Dissecting Multiple Reinforcement-Learning Systems by Taxing the Central Executive A. Ross Otto, Samuel J. Gershman, Arthur B. Markman, and Nathaniel D. Daw Under
Babies Expect People to Act Efficiently
Adults expect others to behave rationally and efficiently in their simple, everyday actions — this is what enables us to predict the route someone will take walking on the sidewalk, for instance. Now, new research
Gli spazi verdi in città fanno bene all’umore (The green spaces in the city do good for your mood)
La Stampa: Parchi, giardini, e spazi verdi nelle aree urbane migliorano considerevolmente la qualità della vita delle persone che vivono in città. Lo afferma uno studio dell’università di Exeter, pubblicato sul Journal of Psychological Science.
Why people believe in conspiracy theories
Salon: We’ve written before about the historical and social aspects of conspiracy theories, but wanted to learn more about the psychology of people who believe, for instance, that the Boston Marathon bombing was a government