New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. Deliberation’s Blindsight: How Cognitive Load Can Improve Judgments Janina A. Hoffmann, Bettina von Helversen, and Jörg Rieskamp When one is under a high cognitive load, why does
How the hot hand delusion messes with the game
The Boston Globe: HERE’S SOME ADVICE for NBA coaches: If one of your players is on a hot streak, tell him to cool off. An analysis of consecutive shots in the 2010-2011 NBA season finds that
Does Our Innate Ability to Estimate Numbers Benefit From Education?
Children are born with an innate number sense — the ability to discriminate quickly between different amounts or numbers of objects, even without counting. And research has shown that children who have a more acute
Sweaty Babies
BBC: A study of one year old babies has found an intriguing connection between their physiological symptoms when they are confronted with a frightening situation, and their levels of aggression two years later. Professor Stephanie
Au bureau, assumons nos erreurs (How to accept our mistakes)
Le Monde: Lisa Legault, chercheuse en psychologie à l’université Clarkson (Etats-Unis), vient d’en faire la démonstration, avec son équipe. Son article “Préserver son intégrité quand nos performances sont menacées : l’affirmation de soi accroît la
Reading well at seven is the key to job success
The Guardian: The ability to read well and do maths at an early age has been found by researchers to be a key factor in deciding whether people go on to get a high income