Older Adult Clumsiness Linked to Brain Changes
Seniors use less effective reference frames to visualize nearby objects For many older adults, the aging process seems to go hand-in-hand with an annoying increase in clumsiness — difficulties dialing a phone, fumbling with keys
No, Having Bigger Biceps Does Not Make You More Conservative
Business Insider: A study by a group of researchers about biceps and politics that has made waves over the past couple of days following its publication in Psychological Science has been widely misinterpreted by several news outlets.
Never Forget a Face? Women May Remember Faces Better Because They Scan More
Women may remember faces better than men in part because they spend more time studying features without even knowing it, suggests a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Emotional Regulation Strategies May Influence Anxiety, Study Finds
The Huffington Post: How you deal with both positive and negative emotions could have big implications for your mental health. Emotional regulation — whether you avoid your emotions, or explore them — may plat a
Blood Vessels in the Eye Linked With IQ, Cognitive Function
The width of blood vessels in the retina may indicate brain health years before the onset of dementia and other deficits.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. Vividness of the Future Self Predicts Delinquency Jean-Louis van Gelder, Hal E. Hershfield, and Loran F. Nordgren Does failure to think about the future lead people