Storybooks Could Be an Early Source of Gender Stereotypes for Children
Reading to children offers many benefits. A new study reveals, however, that popular storybooks are an underrecognized source of gender stereotypes, and children’s books often contain stronger gender biases than texts for adults.
Methods: Measuring Change With Power in Intensive Longitudinal Research
This tutorial walks through the process of selecting sample sizes in intensive longitudinal research.
Fostering Student-Teacher Connections Could Help Keep Students Returning From Juvenile Detention in School
Encouraging young people returning from juvenile detention to share their goals with an educator could help them stay in school and out of the criminal justice system.
Update on Transparency and Open Science in APS Journals
Changes for 2022 include new submission requirements at Psychological Science and Clinical Psychological Science.
Build Up Big-Team Science
Are some of science’s biggest questions simply unanswerable without redefining how research is done? This is the question that motivated the researchers who would later establish the ManyBabies Consortium: a grass-roots network of some 450
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on number-to-space mapping, linguistic cues of lies in real life, stress and inflammation, fear responses, visual perception, group membership and copy of behaviors, how a narrative can change support for extremism, and object perception.