Babies Aren’t Afraid of Heights Until They Start Crawling
Smithsonian Magazine: Babies are fearless when it comes to heights. That woozy, faint feeling only starts kicking in around month nine, when babies begin to recoil from the edge of a steep staircase or the drop-off
Intent to Harm: Willful Acts Seem More Damaging
How harmful we perceive an act to be depends on whether we see the act as intentional, reveals new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The new research
How Babies Learn to Fear Heights
LiveScience: As any parent knows, babies aren’t born with a fear of heights. In fact, infants can be frighteningly bold around the edge of a bed or a changing table. But around 9 months, babies
How You Unwrap Candy Can Make It Taste Better: The Power Of Food Rituals
Forbes: When I eat M&M’s, I never just crunch through them indiscriminately. First off, I only eat one at a time, each piece must be enjoyed just right. I begin by sucking on the crisp
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. Perceived Aggressiveness Predicts Fighting Performance in Mixed-Martial-Arts Fighters Vít Třebický, Jan Havlíček, S. Craig Roberts, Anthony C. Little, and Karel Kleisner Past research has suggested that people
Blowing Out Birthday Candles Makes the Cake Taste Better
Smithsonian Magazine: On your special day, the cake emerges, all adorned with lit candles and groups of friends and family (and strangers, if you’re at a restaurant), embarrass you for about 60 seconds as they