As We Become Richer, Do We Become Stingier?
NPR: Patricia Greenfield has tracked families in Chiapas, Mexico, over four decades. Many were very poor when she started her study. Slowly, over time, they grew wealthier. Along the way, Greenfield noticed something: As the
The Presumptuous Power Holder
Louis XIV, the vain French king who held the longest reign in European history, epitomized absolute monarchy. But his blind pursuit of power—highlighted by the four wars he waged —left the French people demoralized and
Young versus old
BBC: A new study shows it’s more that we have bad moments than bad days. There’s some good news if you’re older. Although people, on average, do worse on memory tests as they age, it
Wie Kinder teilen lernen (How children learn to share)
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Sie helfen Erwachsenen, Papier in den Mülleimer zu werfen. Sie zeigen Mitgefühl, wenn jemand anderes verletzt oder traurig ist. Und wenn es besonders gut läuft, teilen Kinder auf dem Spielplatz sogar Schaufel und
“Seeing” Faces Through Touch
Our sense of touch can contribute to our ability to perceive faces, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “In daily life, we usually recognize faces
Sweaty palms, racing heart help negotiate better
Asian News International: A new study suggests that sweaty palms and a racing heart may actually help some people in get a good deal while negotiating over the price of a new car. As researchers