Selfish U.S.?: Study says country becoming more self-centered
CBS: New research shows that as culture has evolved over the last two centuries — with increasing urbanization, greater reliance on technology, and widespread availability of formal education — so has human psychology. Listen to
Young Adults Reminisce About Music From Before Their Time
Research suggests that young adults today are fond of and have an emotional connection to the music that was popular for their parents’ generation.
Understanding trypophobia: Why some people fear holes
CBS: A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. The reaction is so severe that even seeing photos of holes can set off a panic attack. The condition is called trypophobia. According
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science. From Glue to Gasoline: How Competition Turns Perspective Takers Unethical Jason R. Pierce, Gavin J. Kilduff, Adam D. Galinsky, and Niro Sivanathan Perspective taking is thought be
When losing leads to gaining
Chicago Tribune: If you go to a game at U.S. Cellular Field or Wrigley this season, you may wonder why you feel a bit squeezed for space. All those empty seats, and yet, somehow, it
Anxiety Limits Our Ability to Discriminate Faces and Speech
Anxiety can impair our accuracy on face- and word-recognition tasks, providing another possible source of fallibility in eyewitness testimony, according to research presented in two reports published in Psychological Science. In the first report, participants