New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Interactive Effect of Anger and Disgust on Moral Outrage and Judgments Jessica M. Salerno and Liana C. Peter-Hagene Although most people are familiar with the feeling
Research Suggests That Being a Fan of a Bad NFL Team Is Making You Fat
Sports Illustrated: As if wearing an adult-sized replica jersey, yelling at the TV, and paying extortionary sums for personal seat licenses weren’t evidence enough, science has come along and confirmed what everyone already knew: Football makes
The Bizarre Phobia You’ve Never Heard Of: Fear of Holes
LiveScience: A strange phobia makes people feel panicked or ill at the sight of holes, and new research hints at the cause. In people who suffer from trypophobia, the sight of soap bubbles, aerated chocolate
The Inside Story On The Fear Of Holes
NPR: Trypophobia may be moving out of the urban dictionary and into the scientific literature. A recent study in the peer-review journal Psychological Science takes a first crack at explaining why some people may suffer
Study shows NFL fans get fatter after their team loses
CBS Sports: Keep a close eye on your cholesterol, Raiders fans. A new study shows that fans of losing NFL teams tend to be more obese than fans of winning teams. Via For the Win’s
Everyday Sadists Take Pleasure In Others’ Pain
People who score high on a measure of sadism seem to derive pleasure from behaviors that hurt others, and are even willing to expend extra effort to make someone else suffer, a study shows.