Studies Explore Interplay Between Self-Control, Reward Processing, and Diet
Two new studies investigate the relationship between self-control and reward processing for chronic dieters and people who would like to control their food intake. The Future Is Now: Reducing Impulsivity and Energy Intake Using Episodic
The Problem with Death Tolls
Slate: Pakistani authorities say at least 45 people were killed by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the country’s southwestern Baluchistan province today. As my colleague Josh Voorhees writes, that number is likely to rise
Stellvertreter helfen, Ängste zu überwinden (Other people help to overcome fears)
ORF Austria: Psychologen wussten bereits, dass Phobien und Ängste nicht immer aus persönlichen Erfahrungen entstehen. Die Studienleiterin Armita Golkar vom schwedischen Karolinska Institut erklärt den Vorgang: “Informationen darüber, was in unserer Umgebung sicher ist und
Who’s Afraid of a Cluster of Holes?
The Atlantic: Trypophobia is the fear of clustered holes like those shown in the lotus seed pod above. The lotus seed is the classic example of the sort of holes that frighten trypophobics, but sponges, soap
Diet Of Defeat: Why Football Fans Mourn With High-Fat Food
NPR: Backing a losing NFL team isn’t just bad for your pride. It’s bad for your waistline. A study that links sports outcomes with the eating behavior of fans finds that backers of
Q&A With Dieter Wolke
Dieter Wolke is a professor in the Department of Psychology and Division of Mental Health & Wellbeing at the University of Warwick, UK. His research focuses on social and emotional development, specifically school and sibling