Conservatives & Liberals Equally Smug, Study Finds
LiveScience: The current government shutdown has both Republicans and Democrats laying blame, with each side claiming the other won’t compromise. While science can’t fix political gridlock, it can answer one big question: Is one side
The Cost of Racial Bias in Economic Decisions
When financial gain depends on cooperation, we might expect that people would put aside their differences and focus on the bottom line. But new research suggests that people’s racial biases make them more likely to
Opferzahl bei Katastrophen bestimmt Spendenhöhe (Number of victims of disasters determine donations)
Die Welt: Die Zahl der Toten nach einer Naturkatastrophe hat mehr Einfluss auf die Spendenbereitschaft als die Zahl der Überlebenden. Das geht aus einer Studie der Rotterdam School of Management hervor, die im Fachjournal “Psychological
Study links gene variation to a darker view of life
The Washington Post: Some people just see the world more darkly than others. A group of scientists says that what people observe in everyday life may depend on their genetic blueprint. A particular gene, known
Too much eye contact could be why we’re not seeing eye to eye
Chicago Tribune: Like most Americans, I haven’t looked up from my smartphone since 2007. I’ve evolved a nice set of sensitive, molelike whiskers that allow me to navigate around things like walls, other humans or
Science Asks: Who’s More Pig-Headed, Dems or Republicans?
TIME: Forget the ancient Greeks’ advice. In this political climate, it’s more like “nothing in moderation, everything in excess.” Frank Bruni’s column in Monday’s New York Times highlights some of the cable-TV hyperbole that seems