New Research: Rituals Make Us Value Things More
Harvard Business Review: Rituals in the workplace can reinforce the behaviors we want, create focus and a sense of belonging, and make change stick. I have gone on and on in the past about the
A Psychologist’s Guide to Online Dating
The Atlantic: Edward Royzman, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, asks me to list four qualities on a piece of paper: physical attractiveness, income, kindness, and fidelity. Then he gives me 200 virtual
When Sex Doesn’t Sell
Fast Company: Sex sells, but only at a high price, according to a new study. Overtly sexual advertising can make women downright angry, but they tend to view a sexualized ad for a luxury product
Fotos können Erinnerung stören (Photos can interfere with memory)
ORF Austria: Wer Fotos von schönen Momenten im Urlaub macht, will eigentlich die Erinnerung festhalten. Das könnte aber eine Täuschung sein: Laut einer neuen Studie vergessen wir Erlebnisse eher, wenn wir sie fotografieren. Die Studienautorin
Residents of Poorer Nations Find Greater Meaning in Life
While residents of wealthy nations tend to have greater life satisfaction, new research shows that those living in poorer nations report having greater meaning in life. These findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of
Museumsbesucher: Fotografieren schwächt die Erinnerung (Museum visitors: Photographing weakens the memory)
Der Spiegel: Jeder hat sie schon erlebt: Touristen, die mit der Kamera vor der Nase knipsend und filmend durchs Museum laufen. Früher machte man vielleicht fünf oder zehn Fotos pro Urlaubstag – in der Ära