Exploring the Space-Time Continuum…in the Mind
We often use words related to space to talk about time, describing the order of events in terms of “moving forward,” “looking back,” “thinking ahead,” and “lagging behind.” In fact, research suggests that people typically
Le sexe dans la pub? Les femmes disent non, sauf pour des marques de luxe (Sex in advertising? Women say no, except for luxury brands)
Slate: Le sexe vend, beaucoup. Mais le sexe dans la pub ne plaît pas à tout le monde, particulièrement pas aux femmes qui perçoivent ces pubs comme dégradantes, voire insultantes. Néanmoins, ce sentiment de répulsion
Increasing Personal Savings, the Groundhog Day Way
Thinking about time as a cycle of recurring experiences may help us to put more money away into our savings.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Power Anomalies in Testing Mediation David A. Kenny and Charles M. Judd In this article, the authors describe several peculiarities of mediation analysis in which the
Alcohol Dampens Stress Responses, Especially for Uncertain Threats
Whether it’s a glass of wine, a pint of beer, or a tumbler of whiskey, people often turn to alcohol to calm their nerves. Anecdotally, alcohol does seem to help dampen our stress response, but
Eyes are better at mental snapshots than cameras, study suggests
CNN: I’ve got hundreds of photos from my recent Europe trip, split between a smartphone and a big camera. A lot are shots of the same thing — my attempt to get the perfect lighting