Meditation Makes People Feel Better. Can It Help You Work Smarter, Too?
Businessweek: Meditating can ease stress, insomnia, and depression and may even help ward off disease. Now there’s evidence it can produce better business decisions. A new study suggests meditating can help business people change course
Dishonesty and Creativity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
New research shows that lying about performance on one task may increase creativity on a subsequent task by making people feel less bound by conventional rules. The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal
Channelling Superman
The Economist: WHEN Dong Nguyen, a Vietnamese software whizz, pulled his frustratingly enjoyable game “Flappy Bird” from mobile app stores last Sunday, it left both players and industry insiders scratching their heads. Flappy Bird had
Belief in Fate: A Way to Avoid Making Tough Decisions?
Pacific Standard: “It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate,” declared Henry David Thoreau. “Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds,” echoed President Franklin
When Faced With a Hard Decision, People Tend to Blame Fate
Life is full of decisions. Some, like what to eat for breakfast, are relatively easy. Others, like whether to move cities for a new job, are quite a bit more difficult. Difficult decisions tend to
Are you Superman or Voldemort? Avatars may affect the real you
CNET: Video games have long provided a safe way for players to try out different personalities. In the land of pixels and pretend, we can try out the role of lithe, attractive do-gooder elf or