Your Brain Has No Idea Where It’s Going
TIME: Want proof that your brain isn’t as smart as it assumes it is? Take this pop quiz: Say you’re standing at 42nd St. in Manhattan waiting for an uptown bus and plan to get
Procrastinating on those taxes? Blame your genes
Los Angeles Times: New research suggests the Internal Revenue Service should expand the list of acceptable explanations for procrastinators’ yearly extension requests and late tax filings. Two possibilities: “I was born this way” and “failure
Global Warming Scare Tactics
The New York Times: IF you were looking for ways to increase public skepticism about global warming, you could hardly do better than the forthcoming nine-part series on climate change and natural disasters, starting this
Procrastinators, you can blame it on genetics…tomorrow
PBS: Procrastination is in your genes, according to a study from researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder. “Everyone procrastinates at least sometimes,” explains psychological scientist and study author Daniel Gustavson in the journal
Procrastinators are pretty impulsive too!
Zee News: A new study suggests that procrastination and impulsivity are genetically linked, suggesting that the two traits stem from similar evolutionary origins. The research indicates that the traits are related to our ability to
Wie man einen Lügner erkennt (How to recognize a liar)
ORF Austria: Haben Sie schon mal einen Profi-Pokerspieler im Moment des Turniergewinns gesehen? Bei uns Normalverbrauchern würde all die Anspannung sichtbar abfallen, und wir würden jubeln angesichts des Batzen Geldes, den man als Sieger einstreift.