Here’s a New Way to Waste Time: Pre-crastinate
New York Magazine: Introducing a newly discovered way to waste time: “Pre-crastinating,” the inverse of procrastinating. If procrastination is putting things off, pre-crastination is “the tendency to complete, or at least begin, tasks as soon as
Overexposed? Camera Phones Could Be Washing Out Our Memories
NPR: Los Angeles blogger Rebecca Woolf uses her blog, Girl’s Gone Child, as a window into her family’s life. Naturally, it includes oodles of pictures of her four children. She says she’s probably taken tens of thousands
Speed-Reading Reborn for Smartphones, Smartwatches
Scientific American: Speed-reading is either a productivity enhancer or a gimmick that lets people gobble up content without really understanding or retaining what they’ve read. This debate—dating back to the late 1950s—resurfaced recently when Samsung
Same Face, Many First Impressions
Slight variations in how an individual face is viewed can lead people to develop significantly different first impressions of that individual, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological
Peer Pressure Lasts Only Three Days, Study Says
TIME: Feeling pressure to go on a date with someone all your friends told you was so cute? Just wait three days and your true feelings might be revealed. It turns out the influence of
When To Say Yes To The Messy Desk
Forbes: Albert Einstein famously quipped, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” While the Nobel laureate was obviously advocating for the benefits