The Disturbing Link Between Sleep Deprivation And False Memories
The Huffington Post: Sleep deprivation is a serious safety issue and has been implicated in everything from oil spills to plane crashes to nuclear power plant explosions. It turns out that getting a healthy amount of
Actually, Practice Doesn’t Always Make Perfect — New Study
The Washington Post: We’ve long been eager to believe that mastery of a skill is primarily the result of how much effort one has put in. Extensive practice “is probably the most reasonable explanation we
Spotted at last: “Homo economicus”?
Discover Magazine: Economists like to say that, to a first approximation, we are. In other words, that we tend to seek to maximize our own rewards, in a more or less rational manner. The trouble
Where You Glance Can Reveal Feelings of Love or Lust
Live Science: There may be something to the cliché of lovebirds gazing into each other’s eyes, new research suggests. A glance at a person’s face tends to indicate romantic love, whereas looking at a person’s body
Morning People Are More Likely to Lie to Their Bosses in the Afternoon
The Atlantic: There are morning people and there are evening people; there is ethical behavior and there is unethical behavior. That much we know, and previous attempts to suss out how those categories overlap with
Preschoolers With Special Needs Benefit From Peers’ Strong Language Skills
The guiding philosophy for educating children with disabilities has been to integrate them as much as possible into a normal classroom environment, with the hope that peers’ skills will help bring them up to speed.