New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on racism and historical context, prosocial behavior in the face of a disaster, studying mental health as systems, exceptional abilities in autism, LGBTQ+ parents, and much more.
Doing This Makes People Twice as Likely to Help You, According to Wharton Psychologist Adam Grant
When you ask people for help with projects or tasks, how likely are they to do what you ask? It turns out that one factor tips the balance between likely to help you or unlikely–whether you thanked them last
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on audience characteristics in eliciting amusement, visual working memory, the effect of underestimating counterparts’ learning goals, misplaced barriers to asking for help, face-information sampling, and much more.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on personality across the world and face impressions, perceptual and cognitive judgments, cognitive control in lemurs, attitude change, fear, social touch, and much more.
Go Ahead, Ask For Help. People Are Happy to Give It.
Many things can get in the way of asking others for help: Fear of rejection. Fear of imposing. The pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps mythology so ingrained in American culture. But new research suggests many of us underestimate how
How Can I Help? In Times of Need, People Just Want to Feel Supported
More often than not, recipients of support perceive offers of help far more positively than we might expect them to.