This 1 Tiny To-Do Can Boost Your Happiness Today
When a task isn’t urgent, it’s easy to keep procrastinating. Scheduling a doctor’s appointment or dusting your bookshelf can end up sitting on a to-do list for days, even weeks, despite taking only a few minutes to
Yes, Messy People Can Learn to Be Tidier. Here’s How.
It may seem like some people are natural born neatniks and others are hardwired to create clutter. But experts say that’s just not true. Far from innate, these tendencies are largely acquired over time. “We
Could Procrastination Actually Be Beneficial? Some Experts Say Yes.
I’ll be honest: When I’m facing a difficult work task that requires real focus and deep concentration, you’ll find me scrolling through Instagram, reading a random article, checking my emails, and making a(nother) cup of
The Puzzling Psychology of Procrastination and How to Stop It
You’re procrastinating right now, aren’t you? Don’t worry, we’re not judging. But we are here to tell you that you’re not alone: an estimated 20 per cent of adults (and above 50 per cent of students) regularly procrastinate.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on procrastination and precrastination, reading, pronouns and cultural success, and ovulatory cycle and women’s preferences.
Science Says There Is Such a Thing as Too Little Procrastination and It Will Make You Less Successful
There are a million and one articles out there about how to stop procrastinating. This column isn’t one of them. This column is here to tell you that this is such a thing as procrastinating too