Adapting Into the Future
Humans’ unique cognitive abilities emerged from a cycle of interactions between brain, culture, and environment, says Atsushi Iriki.
Why Anthropomorphism Is Not a Scientific Sin
APS Fellow Frans B. M. de Waal says that parallels in animal and human behaviors can deepen our understanding of our own emotions.
Cooperation in Chimpanzees Reveals Aspects of Our Evolutionary Past
In a study of helping, donation, and punishment, researchers found that chimpanzees were often faster to cooperate than to behave selfishly.
New Research From Psychological Science
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring contingent attentional engagement, cooperation in chimpanzees, and the role of eye gaze in decision making.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring political preferences and self-concept, joint action in marmoset monkeys, serial processing in word recognition, and cognitive processing of asymmetric mixtures.