It’s Time We Trained Students for Diverse Careers in Psychological Science
The variety of positions held by psychologists is not a new development, writes APS President Wendy Wood in her debut column. So why has psychology graduate training largely retained the classic model of a direct path to an academic job? Visit Page
Silver Linings in the Demographic Revolution
Podcast: In her final column as APS President, Alison Gopnik makes the case for more effectively and creatively caring for vulnerable humans at either end of life. Visit Page
Exploration vs. Exploitation: Adults Are Learning (Once Again) From Children
Podcast: Why should kids have all the fun? Alison Gopnik on how science and business, too, can resolve the tension between the lure of the crazy new thing and the safe haven of the tried and true. Visit Page
A Very Human Answer to One of AI’s Deepest Dilemmas
Imagine that we designed a fully intelligent, autonomous robot that acted on the world to accomplish its goals. How could we make sure that it would want the same things we do? Alison Gopnik explores. Read or listen! Visit Page
The New Riddle of the Sphinx: Life History and Psychological Science
In her inaugural column as APS President, Alison Gopnik explores how the life-history perspective is suited to the mission of APS. Visit Page