Accord bancal (Wobbly Agreement)
Le Monde: Le fauteuil du supérieur hiérarchique, ou de celui qui est en position de client potentiel, doit être non seulement plus profond, doté d’un dossier plus imposant, mais aussi d’une assise plus élevée que
Wobbly Chairs May Affect Your Values
Scientific American: A wobbly chair is more than just annoying. Believe it or not, it can influence your values, or beliefs about others. Past studies have shown a link between physical objects and our emotions.
Inside the Brains of Bieber Fans
The Wall Street Journal: The symptoms include uncontrollable screaming, swooning and spending hours on Twitter and Facebook. It primarily affects preteen and teen girls, yet it is highly contagious and can infect mothers, too. In
Ein Hurrikan macht Mode
ORF Austria: Laut Statistik Austria sind Lukas und Anna die aktuell beliebtesten Vornamen in Österreich. Eine Studie zeigt: Popularität und Klang sind eng verwoben, die Namensmode folgt langfristigen Trends. Diese werden bisweilen sogar von Wirbelstürmen
From Karen to Katie —Using Baby Names to Understand Cultural Evolution
From Top 40 hits to baby names, styles change and fashions evolve over time. While the latest fad may seem arbitrary, new research suggests that basic psychological processes can explain why some things become popular.
What Do Spoilers Spoil?
The New York Times: Over 10 percent of the comments on my “Hunger Games” column brought up the question of spoiler alerts. “Haven’t you heard of a spoiler alert?”, one exasperated reader asked. Another reader