New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on extremism, the development of cognition, psychopathology and diagnosis, culture in animals, prediction biases, scams, market cognition, motor and language development.
Before You Answer, Consider the Opposite Possibility
In 1906, the British statistician and polymath Francis Galton attended a country fair at which the attendees were invited to estimate the weight of an ox. Out of curiosity, Galton borrowed the cards on which
Using Neuroscience to Challenge Our Eyes and Ears
The split-second distinctions made
possible by neuroscience challenge
common understandings of how we
see and hear. -
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring causal inference about outcomes, preschoolers’ conversational turns, and contributors to prosocial behavior following a natural disaster.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring advice giving and motivation, mechanisms underlying face and expression processing impairments in autism, and visual perception in peripersonal space.
Déjà Vu May Feel Like a Premonition, but It’s Not
In a study on déjà vu, participants were no more likely to accurately forecast the future than if they were blindly guessing — but when they were experiencing déjà vu, they felt like they could.