How Money Worries Can Scramble Your Thinking
NPR: There’s no question that dealing with mortgages, car payments and other bills takes up time and energy. But having a tight budget may also zap our ability to think clearly, scientists Thursday in the
Study finds being poor places heavy burden on mental capacity
The Globe and Mail: Poverty is like a tax on the brain, a team of researchers has reported, because it imposes a measurable burden on the mental capacity of those who must struggle with it
How Financial Woes Change Your Brain (And Not for the Better)
TIME: Worrying about making ends meet, it seems, can occupy enough of the brain‘s finite thinking power that it makes it difficult to think clearly. According to the latest research published in Science, just
Poverty significantly saps our mental abilities say researchers
BBC: Being poor can sap a person’s mental resources, research published in the journal Science suggests. The work, by an international team, demonstrates how poverty takes its toll on cognitive function, leaving less mental capacity
Status and Stress
The New York Times: Although professionals may bemoan their long work hours and high-pressure careers, really, there’s stress, and then there’s Stress with a capital “S.” The former can be considered a manageable if unpleasant
Resiliency May Come at a Physical Cost for Some Kids
Children who overcome overcome adversity are seen as resilient, but this resiliency may have health costs that last well into adulthood.