Happiness Study Reveals a Critical Difference Between Two Types of People
HUMANS HAVE A complicated relationship with happiness. Consider this study on the subject: Scientists found that valuing happiness can lead to less happiness when you feel happy. It’s an emotional rollercoaster fueled by unhelpful expectations. Yet the relationship gets more Visit Page
Stop Hurting Your Own Feelings: Tips on Quashing Negative Self-Talk
Do you ever hurt your own feelings? For me, it’s a common occurrence. A curt reply to that thoughtful work email, zero responses to that happy hour invitation – little slights like these get my Visit Page
What the Second-Happiest People Get Right
In 2007, a group of researchers began testing a concept that seems, at first blush, as if it would never need testing: whether more happiness is always better than less. The researchers asked college students to rate their Visit Page
Do We Need Hugs to Be Happy? I Don’t.
Recently published reports in Discover and Psychology Today assert that hugs are essential for human happiness. According to Suzanne Deggs-White, a professor at Northern Illinois University who studies social relationships, our need to be hugged Visit Page
Can Single People ‘Manifest’ a New Partner?
Just over a month before Jocelyn Woods and Mia Garcia met, they sat down independently and listed the qualities that each was seeking in a partner. “From how they cooked to the interactions they would Visit Page
Apple is Studying Mood Detection Using iPhone Data. Critics Say the Tech is Flawed
New information about a current study between UCLA and Apple shows that the iPhone maker is using facial recognition, patterns of speech, and an array of other passive behavior tracking to detect depression. The report Visit Page