Study of the Day: Why That Last Piece of Chocolate Tastes the Best
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Our fondest memories usually involve the last of something, be it a farewell kiss or the final day of school. Does this last-is-best bias extend to more trivial events in everyday life?
What Kind of Chocolate is Best? The Last You Taste, Says a New Study
Like to save the best for last? Here’s good news: If it’s the last, you’ll like it the best. That is the finding of a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the
Ini Tujuh Bahan Dasar Meraih Kebahagiaan
Metro TV News Indonesia: Ilmuan Australia telah mempublikasikan dalam jurnal sains populer, Psychological Science, mengenai daftar ‘bahan’ yang diperlukan seseorang untuk benar-benar merasa bahagia. Ilmuwan itu berkomentar pada daftar pra-syarat untuk kebahagiaan. Menurut para peneliti
The Origins of Positive-Constructive Daydreaming
Scientific American: Once accused of being absent-minded, the founder of American Psychology, William James, quipped that he was really just present-minded to his own thoughts. William James didn’t just live in his own head, but
Positive Memories Sustain Us
Huffington Post: Emotional events are memorable. If I talk to people from my parent’s generation, they can all tell you where they were and what they were doing when they heard that President Kennedy had
Holiday Haters Rejoice: Being a Grinch Might Be Good for You
TIME: We all know that Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. It’s right there in the name, you can’t miss it. However, the holidays can also mean spending a lot of time with your