The Last Piece Of Chocolate You Eat Is The Best, Says Study
The Huffington Post: A new study published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that the last bite of chocolate you eat will probably taste the best. The study, authored by Ed O’Brien and Phoebe C.
Study of the Day: Why That Last Piece of Chocolate Tastes the Best
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Our fondest memories usually involve the last of something, be it a farewell kiss or the final day of school. Does this last-is-best bias extend to more trivial events in everyday life?
What Kind of Chocolate is Best? The Last You Taste, Says a New Study
Like to save the best for last? Here’s good news: If it’s the last, you’ll like it the best. That is the finding of a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the
Ini Tujuh Bahan Dasar Meraih Kebahagiaan
Metro TV News Indonesia: Ilmuan Australia telah mempublikasikan dalam jurnal sains populer, Psychological Science, mengenai daftar ‘bahan’ yang diperlukan seseorang untuk benar-benar merasa bahagia. Ilmuwan itu berkomentar pada daftar pra-syarat untuk kebahagiaan. Menurut para peneliti
The Origins of Positive-Constructive Daydreaming
Scientific American: Once accused of being absent-minded, the founder of American Psychology, William James, quipped that he was really just present-minded to his own thoughts. William James didn’t just live in his own head, but
Positive Memories Sustain Us
Huffington Post: Emotional events are memorable. If I talk to people from my parent’s generation, they can all tell you where they were and what they were doing when they heard that President Kennedy had