New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on political moderation, unconscious touch perception, sexual arousal in transgender men, explicit instruction and reading, emotion and memory for future events , and the reliability of functional MRI. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on harsh parenting and antisocial behavior, emotion-based attitudes, political extremity, misogynistic tweets and domestic violence, perception of crowds’ emotions, computation of speech, sign language, and the influence of learning to read on face recognition. Visit Page
The U.S. Needs Tolerance More Than Unity
The 2020 United States election and the ensuing riot are further evidence—as if we needed more—of how deeply divided the country is today. The divisions are regional, ideological, cultural, moral and, some say, intractable. A team of Visit Page
Our Sense of Fairness Is Beyond Politics
APS Member/Author: Alison Gopnik What do the haves owe to the have-nots? Should a society redistribute resources from some people to others? These questions are central to the economic policy differences between left and right. Visit Page
Why People Latch on to Conspiracy Theories, According to Science
Insurgents swarmed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 to create chaos and defy legislators who had gathered to certify electoral votes. The presidential election, they say, was stolen—a belief encouraged by a powerful and trusted leader. Visit Page
Distrust Authorities, Including Me
Like many teachers, I’ve agonized over what to tell my students about the crises convulsing us lately, the pandemic and U.S. presidential election. What lessons can we draw from what’s happened? I’ve decided to double Visit Page