The Myth of the ‘Queen Bee’: Work and Sexism
Researchers wondered if the “queen bee” behavior—refusing to help other women and denying that gender discrimination is a problem, for example—might be a response to a difficult, male-dominated environment. Visit Page
Le drapeau national fait-il voter à droite ?
Slate France: Avec la primaire d’Europe Ecologie – Les Verts et celle, dont on parle beaucoup moins,du Parti communiste, le temps des pré-scrutins pour l’élection présidentielle de 2012 est déjà venu. L’an prochain, dans la Visit Page
Power Players
Slate: Anthony Weiner’s extramarital sexting, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child, and the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal has led to a lot of handwringing about the prevalence of philandering among politicians and to speculation about why politicians risk Visit Page
Why Powerful Men (Like Arnold) Cheat
Fox News: Another day, another political sex scandal. This time, it’s former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledging this week that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff more than a decade Visit Page
Macho Men
“I’ve Got to Be a Macho, Macho Man.” Village People said it, but research has the science to back it up. An article published in Current Directions in Psychological Science explains that when men feel Visit Page
Think it’s easy to be macho? Psychologists show how ‘precarious’ manhood is
Manhood is a “precarious” status—difficult to earn and easy to lose. And when it’s threatened, men see aggression as a good way to hold onto it. These are the conclusions of a new article by Visit Page