I’m Right! (For Some Reason)
The New York Times: IF we are reminded of anything this election season, it is that America is a house divided against itself. The anger and mistrust between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, often Visit Page
Political strength
The Economist: Male Harris sparrows are pugnacious beasts. They signal their status by the darkness of their plumage, and woe-betide any male whose signal is false—for if an itinerant ethologist blackens a subordinate’s feathers, the Visit Page
Parenting Style May Shape Political Views
LiveScience: Parenting style and childhood temperament might play a role in shaping one’s political mindset, new research suggests. Specifically, kids who have fearful temperaments and are raised by parents who value obedience are more likely Visit Page
Romney, Obama and the New Culture War over Fairness
TIME: Remember when the culture war was about obscenity in rap music, protecting the flag from match-wielding protesters and spanking in schools? Not all so-called cultural issues have faded away — gay marriage and abortion Visit Page
Parenting and Temperament in Childhood Predict Later Political Ideology
Political mindsets are the product of an individual’s upbringing, life experiences, and environment. But are there specific experiences that lead a person to choose one political ideology over another? New research from psychological scientist R. Visit Page
Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown and the Myth of Race
TIME: If, as David Axelrod once said, “Campaigns are like an MRI for the soul,” then what do we see when we peer into the campaigns of Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown and his challenger, liberal Visit Page