Why “Occupy Wall Street” Fizzled
The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street came into existence at roughly the same time, in the wake of the financial markets’ collapse, and each was an angry challenge to the country’s financial and political Visit Page
Do You Wanna Know a Secret?
The New York Times: The revelation that the National Security Agency has been secretly amassing huge amounts of data about Americans’ phone and Internet use has sparked a lively debate about the proper role of Visit Page
The Less We Know, the Surer We Are, Study Finds
Business Week: Here’s a study that rings true: People tend to hold more extreme positions on complex policies when they don’t know very much about them, according to a research article in the academic journal Visit Page
So Damn Superior: Parsing Partisan Politics
The Huffington Post: A new Gallup poll shows that Americans’ confidence in the Congress is at an all-time low. A measly 10 percent of citizens express confidence in lawmakers, and most say they have little Visit Page
You’re Probably Not as Conservative as You Think
Pacific Standard: Conservatism the brand seems to be faring better than conservatism the philosophy. That’s the conclusion of new research that finds a serious disconnect between the way people under 30 identify themselves politically, and Visit Page
Can’t We All Just Get Along? What Psychology Tells Us About Political Gridlock
LiveScience: The U.S. government is broken. That is how Diane Halpern, a cognitive psychologist at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, Calif., opens her talks on the psychology of political partisanship. The divisions between the Republican Visit Page