Donald Trump, Con Artist?
The New Yorker: Late last month, on “Good Morning America,” “CBS This Morning,” and other political talk shows, Marco Rubio called Donald Trump “a con artist.” (“We’re on the verge of having someone take over the conservative
Empathy May Be Overrated in an Election, and in a Leader
The New York Times: Is empathy an essential virtue for a presidential candidate? The conventional wisdom is that a good candidate must be able to feel your pain. Bill Clinton was hailed by pundits as
Why All the Violence at Donald Trump Rallies?
Pacific Standard: Video of a black protester getting sucker-punched at a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina has been widely circulating on the Internet. But it’s only the most recent example of Trump opponents being roughed
Why Donald Trump Has Done Worse in Mostly White States
The New York Times: Mr. Trump’s anti-immigration language lands with force for people who fear the browning of America. Within three or four decades, several reports have indicated, non-Hispanic whites will no longer make up
Here’s why you won’t really move to Canada if Trump wins in November
The Washington Post: Every four years, thousands of Americans threaten to leave the United States if the “wrong” candidate becomes president. For many voters this year, that candidate is Donald Trump. … Why do so
Research Ethics at the Graduate Level
I followed the plight of Michael LaCour, a University of California, Los Angeles, graduate student in the political science department, almost obsessively. I first heard of LaCour’s research on one of my favorite NPR programs