New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on oppressed groups engendering implicit positivity, compassion fatigue as a self-fulfilling prophecy, gaze-triggered communicative intention, and much more.
Chicken Littles Are Ruining America
Sometime around 1970, the American personality changed. In prior decades, people tended to define themselves according to the social roles they played: I’m a farmer, teacher, housewife, priest. But then a more individualistic culture took
Disinformation Is the Real Threat to Democracy and Public Health
Disinformation is the coin of the modern realm. Vaccine denial, climate denial, election denial and war-crime denial have joined the grotesque denial of the Holocaust in the ranks of dishonesties now regularly foisted on the
Native Americans’ Awareness of Omission and Discrimination Fuels Civic Engagement
Native American adults who identified more strongly as Native were more likely to notice group omission and discrimination, prompting increased civic engagement.
Extreme Views Are More Attractive Than Moderate Ones
Do you ever feel like everyone on social media has a more extreme viewpoint than your own? We often blame social media companies for the cacophony of politically extreme opinions around us. After all, these
Latin American Psychological Science: Will the Global North Make Room?
Seven authors outline factors that influence scientific advancements in Latin America and identify potential avenues for reframing research conducted in the region, especially by Latin American researchers, in the global scientific landscape.