Why ruthlessness is a net negative in politics
What’s the right way to exert political influence? Is it more effective to be selfless and virtuous, or forceful and ruthless? Recent research we’ve conducted of the behavior of US senators reveals something surprising: Being
Psychological Weapons of Mass Persuasion
When I was a teenager, my parents often asked me to come along to the store to help carry groceries. One day, as I was waiting patiently at the check-out, my mother reached for her
Adults’ Political Leanings Linked With Early Personality Traits
Data from 16,000 individuals in the UK reveal links between early conduct problems and economic and political discontent 25 years later.
An expert in the craft examines Oval Office profanities
Now that we know that the discourse in Donald Trump’s White House is about as vile and vulgar as the banter in a rundown barroom just before last call, I figured it was time to
Conservatives’ Love of Nostalgia Can Be Used to Promote Liberal Values
In these polarized times, liberals and conservatives tend to talk past each other. Leftists tend to envision a brighter future, while right-wingers lovingly look to a more-perfect past. “Forward,” urged Barack Obama. “Make America Great
People Rationalize Policies as Soon as They Take Effect
Findings from three field studies indicate that people report more favorable opinions about policies and politicians once they become the status quo.