Dreading Congestion Pricing? You Might Feel Differently After the Fact
While many motorists may oppose paying a fee to enter the city center now, drivers’ perceptions of the policy are likely to improve once it actually goes into effect.
Liberals and Conservatives React in Wildly Different Ways to Repulsive Pictures
Why do we have the political opinions we have? Why do we embrace one outlook toward the world and not another? How and why do our stances change? The answers to questions such as these
Can Outrage Be a Good Thing?
Lately, it has started to feel as if outrage is everywhere. On both sides of the political aisle, people have taken to social media—and to the streets—to express their fury over perceived injustices. The religious
Liberals and conservatives see sexual harassment claims very differently. This explains why.
Over this past year, the #MeToo movement has put sexual harassment claims front and center in the news. Most recently, accusations of assault and harassment against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett M. Kavanaugh, prompted
Voters’ Preexisting Opinions Shift to Align with Political Party Positions
The views expressed by political party leaders can change how individual voters feel about an issue, according to findings from a longitudinal study of voters in New Zealand.
Why Men Sexually Harass Women
I can’t imagine my teenage self—or any girl I knew—doing anything like what Christine Blasey Ford described teenage boys doing to her. Watching the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing last week, I was struck by the