When Versus Whether: Gender Differences in Leadership
Podcast: In contemporary society, there is a significant rise in the number of women assuming leadership positions compared to past generations. Nevertheless, this raises the question: Do these growing numbers equate to equal access to opportunities? Under the Cortex explores. Visit Page
Tools to Bolster Executive Function Skills in Kids
Podcast: This episode features two researchers who review the ways executive functioning skills are used throughout daily life, the process the researchers used to involve their community, and their intervention’s success. Visit Page
Navigating Regret in Decision-Making
Podcast: Human reasoning is not flawless. In this episode, Under the Cortex examines how human reasoning can be contextual, as well as the biases that people have in decision making. Visit Page
Is Everyone Out to Get Me? Paranoia in Social Interactions
Podcast: In this episode, Under the Cortex hosts three researchers to discuss paranoia, proposed improvements for clinically testing the social impacts of paranoia, and much more. Visit Page
Allergies or Sickness? Unraveling the Mystery of Concealing Infectious Diseases
Podcast: In this episode, Under the Cortex hosts Wilson Merrell to discuss disease concealment and the factors that contribute to it. Visit Page
Desire Dynamics: Navigating Intimacy and Attraction in Relationships
Podcast: Psychological scientist Amy Muise joins Özge G. Fischer Baum in discussing how to maintain desire and interest in romantic relationships. Visit Page