Out of the Box and Into the Lab, Mimes Help Us ‘See’ Objects That Don’t Exist
Chaz Firestone (Johns Hopkins University) and Pat Little (New York University) talk with Charles Blue about their Psychological Science paper on mimes and implied surface. Visit Page
Under the Cortex Special Episode: 6 Young Researchers Discuss the Forefront of Psychological Science
In this special episode of Under the Cortex, we talk with some of the most recent Spence Award winner Visit Page
Emotion and Long-Lasting Attitudes and Opinions
New research published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that attitudes based on feelings and emotions can also stand the test of time. Visit Page
Methodologies and the Evolution of Science
Reflecting on the President’s Column in the March/April issue of the Observer, NPR science correspondent Joe Palca, who earned a PhD in psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, offers his unique take on Visit Page
Horse Brain and the Human Brain
APS’s Charles Blue talks with APS Founding Member Dr. Janet Jones, author of the book Horse Brain, Human Brain. Visit Page
How Depression and Stress Could Dampen Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines
Health behaviors and emotional stressors can alter the body’s ability to develop an immune response to vaccines, including—potentially—the new COVID-19 vaccines. Visit Page