Asch Lives On
Think you are immune to peer pressure, but APS Fellow and Charter Member Anthony Pratkanis shows that 60 years later people still cave under social pressure. Check out this replication of the famous “Asch Paradigm.”
Intelligence and How to Get It
Richard Nisbett It’s a truism most people don’t have too much trouble with, at least on the surface: Some folks are smarter than others. But patterns of intelligence-test scores and academic achievement also reveal pretty
The New Genetics
Frances Champagne Back in the day, when you learned about genetics and evolution in school, it was all about Mendel and Darwin or more recent refinements of their basic ideas. As a bit of historical
Genes May Contribute to a Child’s Bad Behavior, but Only When Parents Are Distant
Is bad behavior determined by a child’s genes? A new study has found that a particular gene has some influence on whether or not adolescents show alarming behaviors—but only if their parents aren’t keeping tabs
People More Likely to Act Morally Than They Imagine
U.S. News & World Report (HealthDay): People are more likely to act morally than they would predict, a new study finds. Researchers gave a 15-question math test to two groups of volunteers. A $5 reward
Staring Contests Are Automatic: People Lock Eyes to Establish Dominance
Imagine that you’re in a bar and you accidentally knock over your neighbor’s beer. He turns around and stares at you, looking for confrontation. Do you buy him a new drink, or do you try