Does Money Make You Unhappy?
Wired: David Brooks has an excellent column on the diminishing returns of luxury living: Often, as we spend more on something, what we gain in privacy and elegance we lose in spontaneous sociability. I once
Imagining the Downside of Immortality
The New York Times: IMAGINE nobody dies. All of a sudden, whether through divine intervention or an elixir slipped into the water supply, death is banished. Life goes on and on; all of us are
Where Some Earn Enmity, Jobs Won Affection
The New York Times: Steven P. Jobs — domineering, short-tempered and anything but warm and fuzzy — has done something few business people in history have ever accomplished: engender genuine affection. His decision to step
30th International Congress of Psychology: Psychology Serving Humanity
The International Congress of Psychology, held every four years under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science, is the flagship event in international psychology. The previous 29th ICP was held in Berlin in
International Congress: Crossroads of Psychology and Law
This international congress aims to bring together scholars, practitioners and postgraduate students from disciplines such as psychology, law, education, sociology, to initiate discussions on interconnections of psychology and law. This year’s topic is “Crossroads of
Why that book changed your life
National Post: The claim that a book can change someone’s life is one that’s made over and over again. Usually, we brush it aside as a cliché, but what if it was actually possible? The