Psicologia: Facebook insidia per chi ha scarsa autostima
Yahoo Italia: Facebook è per molti, ma non per tutti. Il social network dei record, infatti, è controindicato per le persone con scarsa autostima. Secondo uno studio pubblicato su ‘Psychological Science’, infatti, questo tipo di
Your Negative Status Updates Rub People the Wrong Way, Apparently
TIME: Those who use social media as a way to get an ego boost from friends and family (you know who you are), be warned: a new study has found that those with low self-esteem
It’s Not Me, It’s You
The New York Times: WHEN Jeryl Brunner, a writer in Manhattan, was in her 20s, she had a friend who was just the sort of acquaintance people scoop up in their social net when they
Quiet, Please: Unleashing ‘The Power Of Introverts’
NPR: From Gandhi to Joe DiMaggio to Mother Teresa to Bill Gates, introverts have done a lot of good work in the world. But being quiet, introverted or shy was sometimes looked at as a
Facebook and Twitter ‘more addictive than tobacco and alcohol’
The Telegraph: Resisting the urge to check social networking sites for updates is more difficult than turning down a drink, according to a study of people’s everyday desires. The survey of 250 people found that
Waaraan kan u het moeilijkst weerstaan? Seks, alcohol, roken of e-mail lezen?
Express.be: Werken en communicatie zijn verslavender dan slapen, seks, alcohol en sigaretten. Dat meldt de website Science Daily op basis van een onderzoek van Roy Baumeister van de Florida State University en Kathleen Vohs van