Wat u over uw ziekte denkt, is belangrijk voor uw genezing
De Standaard: Een juiste diagnose is uiteraard cruciaal als je ziek bent, maar nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat ook het beeld dat de patiënt zelf heeft over de aandoening, een rol speelt. Van onze medewerkster
Searching for the Source of Consciousness
Watching a movie, smelling the roses, feeling the warmth of the sun—these are seemingly simple things we experience all thanks to consciousness. Yet where exactly does consciousness come from? The brain—obviously—but for psychological scientist Geraint
Emotion: The Emotion Wars
Psychology Today: Science, just like art, is subject to big shifts in the way we think about ourselves. For the past two decades, psychology has favored “inside” explanations of behavior: Who we are is largely
Want to Limit Aggression? Practice Self-Control!
Feeling angry and annoyed with others is a daily part of life, but most people don’t act on these impulses. What keeps us from punching line-cutters or murdering conniving co-workers? Self-control. A new review article
The Last Piece Of Chocolate You Eat Is The Best, Says Study
The Huffington Post: A new study published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that the last bite of chocolate you eat will probably taste the best. The study, authored by Ed O’Brien and Phoebe C.
Study of the Day: Why That Last Piece of Chocolate Tastes the Best
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Our fondest memories usually involve the last of something, be it a farewell kiss or the final day of school. Does this last-is-best bias extend to more trivial events in everyday life?