Experimenters’ Expectations May Shape Priming Results
How do your expectations about an interaction affect the outcome? In any social situation, the beliefs you’ve developed over time can influence the way you behave towards and react to a conversation partner. Although you
Polluted Air May Pollute Our Morality
Data from archival and experimental studies indicate that exposure to air pollution, either physically or mentally, is linked with unethical behavior such as crime and cheating.
Women Beat Expectations When Playing Chess Against Men
Ranked chess players’ data suggest that women playing against men perform better than expected based on official ratings
College Branding Makes Beer More Salient to Underage Students
Marketing that uses university colors and logos can enhance beer brands’ salience, which may impact student drinking.
Seven science-backed tips for forming habits that stick
Banishing bad habits and converting them to good ones is not easy. As Mark Twain once wrote, “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs one
Angela Duckworth On Grit And The Power Of Perseverance
Is grit the secret sauce that drives success? More important than both talent and intellect? We’re talking the power and limits of grit. Grit is the new buzzword for success: At work, in school, in