Brain finds pleasure in processing abstract art
The Irish Times: A new discipline called neuroaesthetics was founded about 10 years ago by Semir Zeki of University College London. It aims to discover the neurological basis for the success of artistic techniques. Most
Perspectives Article Wins 2011 Best Paper Award
A paper published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, “The situated inference model: An integrative account of the effects of primes on perception, behavior, and motivation” was awarded the 2011 Best Paper Award from the International
Wisdom is matter of culture
Zee News: Do we really get wiser with age or does culture shape wisdom? Having wisdom implies that one is also good at resolving conflict. But conflict is not handled the same way across cultures.
Self-Control May Not Be a Limited Resource After All
So many acts in our daily lives – refusing that second slice of cake, walking past the store with the latest gadgets, working on your tax forms when you’d rather watch TV – seem to
Turn Off the Phone (and the Tension)
The New York Times: One recent sweltering afternoon, a friend and I trekked to a new public pool, armed with books, sunglasses and icy drinks, planning to beat the heat with a swim. But upon
Who (and What) Can You Trust? How Non-Verbal Cues Can Predict a Person’s (and a Robot’s) Trustworthiness
People face this predicament all the time—can you determine a person’s character in a single interaction? Can you judge whether someone you just met can be trusted when you have only a few minutes together?