Survival of the Steadiest
When I first studied psychology some years ago, personality typing was really big. Students would fill out batteries of tests and inventories and come away with tidy answers to the Big Question: Who Am I?
Temperament and a Religious Perspective
The conditions that contribute to a commitment to a formal religion are multiple and the balance among them varies with the historical era, culture, age, and family beliefs. Thus there is no single answer to
4th SPSP Conference: ‘Comfortable Environment’ Open to All Practitioners
SPSP Conference Got Start at APS Convention The first free-standing Society for Personality and Social Psychology convention was in 1991 as an affiliate meeting held in conjunction with the American Psychological Society Annual Convention in
Scarr's Presidential Symposium Takes on Genetics and Personality
How can it be that happiness is more genetically than environmentally variable? Are leaders born and not reared? Are socially retiring people born to be shy? Is love of sky-diving and driving a Harley-Davidson a
Personality Measurement Leader Robert G. Bernreuter (1901-1995)