Erfolge machen männlich
Men’s Health Germany: Männlichkeit ist offenbar kein biologisches Phänomen, sondern sie hängt von der Wahrung der Ehre und Erfolgen ab, so eine US-Studie. Männern sei es wichtig vor anderen gut da zu stehen und als
Power, Confidence and…Infidelity
Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump–they’ve all cheated, they’ve all got power, and they’re all men. People often assume that men are more likely to cheat than women, so researchers decided to look at
Powerful Women as Likely to Cheat as Men, Study Finds
Bloomberg Businessweek: Women in powerful positions are just as likely as men to cheat on their spouses, according to new research. It’s widely believed that men are more likely than women to cheat on their
How Happy Are You? A Census Wants to Know
The New York Times: When they filled out the city’s census forms this spring, the people of Somerville got a new question. On a scale of 1 to 10, they were asked, “How happy do
Sex and Politics: Are Powerful Men Really More Likely to Cheat?
TIME: Bill Clinton. Newt Gingrich. Eliot Spitzer. Mark Sanford. Politicians who’ve been caught with their pants down tend to have one thing in common and it’s not political philosophy or party. Overwhelmingly, the philanderers are
Ansteckende Erinnerungen
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Erinnerungen erscheinen dem Menschen mitunter so unverrückbar, als wären sie in Stein gemeißelt. Doch Erinnerungen leben. Sie verändern sich, wenn Menschen sie mit anderen teilen. Und manchmal sterben sie, weil jemand stirbt, der