Crew Schedules, Sleep Deprivation, and Aviation Performance
Night-time departures, early morning arrivals, and adjusting to several time zones in a matter of days can rattle circadian rhythms, compromise attention and challenge vigilance. And yet, these are the very conditions many pilots face Visit Page
Tromper son cerveau pour être meilleur au golf
Le Figaro: Des chercheurs américains en sciences cognitives ont découvert un étrange effet de perception qui peut être utile au golf. Il suffit d’imaginer que le trou sur le green est plus large qu’il ne Visit Page
Can You Think Your Way To That Hole-In-One?
NPR: Psychologists at Purdue University have come up with an interesting twist on the old notion of the power of positive thinking. Call it the power of positive perception: They’ve shown that you may be Visit Page
Going the Distance: Stereotypes and Hard Work
I plead guilty to trading in stereotypes. For example, I’ve somehow gotten the idea that East Africans are especially good distance runners, and I think I’ve even said as much on a few occasions. But Visit Page
Putting and Perception: How does Tiger “see” Augusta?
I’m a huge Tiger Woods fan, and I’ve never wavered, even as he has suffered through one of the worst slumps in the history of golf. Tiger ruled the sport for more than a decade Visit Page
Growing Over Showing in Math Education
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Watch Matthew G. Mandelbaum from Fordham University present his poster session research on “Mastery, Need for Cognition Visit Page