Making Yourself Miserable Reading the News?
Huffington Post: Does watching cable news, reading the newspaper or browsing websites (including this one) make you personally miserable? Chances are high that you’re making one critical mistake and likely adding to our societal woes Visit Page
Employees’ Interests Predict How They Will Perform on the Job
When evaluating job applicants, employers want to be sure that they choose the right person for the job. Many employers, from consulting firms to federal agencies, will ask prospective employees to complete extensive tests and Visit Page
Daydreaming At Work Makes Us Better Problem Solvers
Business Insider: Entrepreneurs might be especially focused on productivity, but despite your best efforts to concentrate on your business, you’re probably not awfully consistent at it. You are human, after all, and various scientific studies Visit Page
Study Offers Possible Explanation for the Huge Gender Gap in Science and Math
Slate: Schools have tried for years to encourage girls to explore careers in math and science, yet a stubborn gender gap in the STEM fields persists. But new research might have an explanation: The messages Visit Page
America Needs to Study Fractions
Scientific American: What part of math was most intimidating when you were in grade school? Maybe it was fractions. Or even worse, long-form division. Somehow splitting numbers really seemed complicated. And the U.S. might be Visit Page
The New Neuroscience of Choking
The New Yorker: Last Sunday, at the Memorial golf tournament in Dublin, Ohio, Rickie Fowler looked like the man to beat. He entered the tournament with momentum: Fowler had recently gained his first ever P.G.A. Visit Page