Four Ways to Give Good Feedback
TIME: When effectively administered, feedback is a powerful way to build knowledge and skills, increase skills, increase motivation, and develop reflective habits of mind in students and employees. Too often, however, the feedback we give Visit Page
Brief Mindfulness Training May Boost Test Scores, Working Memory
College students who underwent mindfulness training showed improved working memory and verbal reasoning scores. Visit Page
How To Not Come Off As Being Overly Confident
Business Insider: Confidence is indisputably a good thing. But over-confidence can spell trouble—especially when we’re learning. Research has shown over and over again that we are not very good judges of how effectively we’re learning Visit Page
Measuring Performance of Individuals, Collectives
APS Fellow Randall W. Engle, editor of Current Directions in Psychological Science, is participating in an ongoing project sponsored by the National Academies to map out an agenda for research on measuring human capabilities and Visit Page
Want That Promotion? Practice Your Job.
The Wall Street Journal: As the new year approaches – and with it the inevitable wave of self-improvement plans–we’ve identified 10 strategies for advancing your career in 2013. (Read them all here.) From recovering from Visit Page
How to Be a Better Boss in 2013
The Wall Street Journal: The new year has arrived—and with it, the inevitable wave of self-improvement plans and resolutions. Along with pledging to lose weight or kick a coffee habit, why not resolve to be Visit Page