How Meditation Might Boost Your Test Scores
The New York Times: Mindfulness meditation, the ancient and flourishing practice that increases awareness of random thoughts and redirects attention to the present moment, has been used to manage stress, depression and even chronic pain. Visit Page
In Sales, Confidence and Charisma May Not Seal the Deal
Think of a stereotypical salesperson and you’re likely to conjure up someone who’s extraverted, gregarious, and assertive. But a new study reveals that “ambiverts,” people who are neither introverted nor extraverted but who fall somewhere Visit Page
The ‘New’ Benefits Of Mindfulness: Improved Memory, Focus, And GRE Scores
Forbes: Paying attention may be one of the most fundamental and important cognitive abilities we have. It’s too bad, then, that many of us are so bad at it. It’s not only our outer distractions Visit Page
Mindfulness Could Improve College Students’ Testing Ability, Study Finds
The Huffington Post: As if the stress-relieving, healthifying effects of mindfulness weren’t enough, a new study shows it could actually help students perform better on tests by boosting their memory and reading comprehension skills. The Visit Page
Mindfulness May Improve Test Scores
Scientific American: There’s a meditation practice called “mindfulness” that is about actively focusing on the present moment and increasing one’s attention span. Recently scientists analyzed whether such a practice could help improve undergrads’ test scores Visit Page
Mindfulness Training Boosts Test Scores
Pacific Standard: Studies reporting the benefits of mindfulness training keep rolling in—not quite with the regularity of those distracting thoughts that keep popping up in your head, but at a good clip nonetheless. The latest Visit Page